Learning Camp: Career Day
Debate, nationalism V’s Globalisation in a business aspect. What is better? ABBA team 1 were to discuss why nationalism holds stronger values than global organisations values and morale’s.
The team was made at very last minute as we did not have a full understanding of what the task was at hand, after confirming details of the task from our lecturer Yucel, the information was clearer. Teams who were not debating were to ask questions of the opposing team and at the end detail weak and strong points of the debate.
The strong points from the opposition floor for our debate were;
Individual values are important to respect the work life and not alter their national identity.
The weak points detailed from our team floor for the debate were as follows;
Meetings and timings can jeopardize business on some global scale appointments e.g. German timings are exact where South East Asian countries are very flexible. This can affect future business if this has not been discussed or are not accustomed to this.
The best speaker from ABBA team was Moe, he kept a cool calm and collect attitude to detail his point as the third speaker. Well Done Moe!
The sturdy ideas for the opposition from ABBA floor were;
Globalisation economics can be successful if they apply cultural awareness everywhere
The weak arguments for the opposition addressed from the opposition floor for their team are;
Discussing the point of specific rules can be applied in a work life but can continue their daily life after work. This can in overtime affect the vision of what the organisation is wanting to produce; and
Applications are not as simple if you do not follow guidelines of a state.
After the debate and discussing collectively with Yucel, the following issues for both teams were pointed out;
Teams must build a structural and strategic plan to prepare themselves in preparation for the debate; first speaker to present terminology and grow the framework and set goals.
Respect cultures in order to make flexibility between both parties.
It is ideal to stand up to discuss the topic as this influences the impact that you are confident in yourself. It is a more positive approach to stand and move supposed to sitting,
Design the topics with simplicity rather than complexity and be sure to give examples of current businesses; and
Moe is a natural public speaker.
I will finish with this, Local culture is educated and captivated during our initial steps of life in childhood. This later is emphasized through literature, history, beliefs, parents and teachers. This determines how we observe and critique incidents, therefore it’s an act how we communicate and respond in spoken and unspoken language. Globalisation at a time may alter the way how societies customs and traditions are and impact the well being of who we are today.
Career day!
Emma Lehto
The first speaker for the afternoon was Emma Lehto, young bright lady who studied in Haaga-Helia gaining diploma in Sales and Marketing. During her time at the University, she gained project work for her class with a company called Karlux Oy. They manufacture LED luminaries and required assistance in marketing in the organisation to become a known brand outside of Finland. Her team assisted the company well and after a successful project, she had the privilege to work for the organisation where her role is social media marketing, marketing, amendments to homepage, online shop and preparation for fair exhibitions. During her time of study and working, she has gained many attributes to prepare herself such as; responsibility, delegation, opened areas for learning with communication, flexibility, adaptability and networking. During all of this time, she believes in go big, or go home. Her future is to commence a Masters in International Business Creative field of Business MBA.
Norra Airlines
Norra Airlines is a Finnish airline that’s mission is to provide a safe, high quality regional flight operations for other airlines, agility, ecologically and cost effective organisation. Their Headquarters and operations cell is located at Helsinki Airport and they fly over 55,000 Finnair’s flights per year totaling 30% of Finnair’s flight operations both domestic and international routes. Norra have 24 ATR turboprop aircraft to conduct short flights around Finland, and have 12 Embraer E190 jets for European routes.In order to be an applicable applicant to apply for Norra positions require to speak Finnish and Swedish as a minimum. This has totally disappointed me and my morale. When a University has a degree program in English for international students, how can members be employed especially when Finnish class is only three hours and only once a week? The Finnish Minister of Education has discussed this some months ago and believe the Government, Education departments and aviation organisations must communicate on how to implement a strong network to relieve this problem, otherwise what International students will want to study in Finland as there are no employment opportunities after completion of their studies.