Learning Camp: Research
Ethics in research is important and should be applied in all stages of researching a project. This will be implemented in the planning phase, conducting the project and evaluating the project plan. Evariste discussed the importance of Ethics and research. Part of the learning camp was to discuss in small groups what ethical issues should be taken into consideration to confirm non-bias actions are to occur.
For ABBA17, or semester project is unique. Our group believe confidentially, consent of research, disclosures, conflict of interest, unethical behavior do not jeopardize this. Avoid abusing research methods and avoid falsifying data will assist to give an academic approach with the current studies. Social constructivism – influences our judgement. What we know and how we know. Trying to impose personal thoughts and we need to observe and find data on fact and not on conception.
Evariste discussed further about epistemology. Epistemology investigates what distinguishes belief from opinion we wish to study. To be successful with the task for the semester, we must consider the following:
Intuitive: creating an idea for research,
Authoritative: receiving professional literature,
Logical: Make a reasoning from findings to conclusions; and
Empirical: Engaging in procedures that leads to a finding.
The more we understand how to conduct social research, the better it is to understand the truth of the matter. The theories we resource, the more potential we have to improve the practices we conduct.
Prior to the class finishing, Evariste reiterated, when preparing a questionnaire, consider
Listing hypothesis to enable predictions by reasoning,
Identify the key concepts will assist in writing a report and makes structured research,
Identify variables to define or set scales where needed; and
Distinguish independent, dependent and mediating variables.
In the afternoon, we were greeted by Jörgen to teach ABBA what research tools are available to support the semester project. The tool we focused on was Webropol. This is a tool Darren taught the class last semester, but was good to get a deeper knowledge of the platform. Jörgen was very informative and hope we have further classes with him as he is a man of knowledge.