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Seminar on Education Export/Degree program practicalities

Aviation Business degree program is the first Finnish University degree that non-EU students pay for education. Since commencing my studies, the Finnish population have discussed this issue as they believe Finnish education should be free for everyone. The seminar took place at Haaga-Helia Pasila campus to discuss future export education for Finland. Approximately 50 personnel attended the seminar with others viewing via Skype.

The topic for me to discuss was my thoughts and experiences in the perspective from a foreign student. I am one of the first students to pay for education tuition fees. The presentation topics I discussed were previous career history, why I moved to Finland, how I found information about the degree program, why I chose Haaga-Helia to study and how I found the process to enrol. In addition, I discussed the topics of future planning to consider changing entitlements that International students have from their residency e.g. student fare for public transport and possibilities’ of retaining English speaking students in Finland after completion of education.

Mr Teemu Kokko, Managing Director, President of Haaga-Helia was approachable, welcoming and believed the areas I discussed were valuable for further discussion within Finnish Education.

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