Self & Team Leadership reflection
During my first semester on Haaga-Helia, there has been a plethora of resources, facilitators first-hand accounts and assessments. Its blown my mind how much I have learnt and I feel grateful with what I’ve experienced. I believe that this is just the beginning of me changing once again in my life. But I am changing positively with self-development and having the ability to ask for help. Team building at times has been challenging when communication is not effective. I believe this will be a focus for next semester as many will discover when communication fails the project falls.
The first week of Haaga-Helia commencing, we were presented with Learning Camp 1.1. At the commencement of the classes we were presented with practical activities. To begin with, I was unsure what I was paying for. They seemed really weird and could not understand the concept of this. After the week finished, I reflected as to why the University did this. It allowed me to open all of my senses and understand do not always look inside the box for a solution, you need to maintain focus everywhere to gain a thorough understanding of all avenues.
The study trip allowed us to visit many great organisations of how they work on a day-to-day basis. This gave me the excitement to finish my studies quickly and continue to pursue a career in Aviation. The professionalism from the speakers allowed all students to have an awareness and excitement for the future to come.
Last Friday we had the opportunity to be engaged with two members of an external organisation to assist them in a project. This opportunity will allow us to implement all theory based learning and place this into the project practicality in the coming fall. Both members engaged the audience and made me realize that we can help.
During the semester, I have been in a bit of a highlight being one of the first to pay for my education in Finland. Being in front of a camera is nervous, I could not be myself and it was very uncomfortable. This concept allowed me to build personal appearance and presentation of myself accordingly. This also assisted to help me with public speaking as it’s a scary experience to begin with, but now I feel comfortable when I am publicly talking to a crowd of people again.
Business Plan Competition idea allowed me to open my mind and think of a concept which could really sell to the outside world. The team was motivated at the commencing period. So much material to source and how on earth am I supposed to gain useful data to assist on selling the concept. The team, facilitators and own personal persistence to find adequate evidence allowed me to gain this understanding.
If attitude is not there, I will not find my solution and most likely fail. Fail will happen throughout my life, but, if I reflect on them, and understand what I have conducted, it will teach me in life experience. This I cannot learn from a textbook. Educate myself and recognise how to achieve and build on the goals I am focusing on as it will assist me in defining what I am brining to the studies and industry.