Study trip thoughts
To all the staff at Cuatros Vientos Airport and IATA who have assisted presenting ideal information to ABBA students, thank you for your support. It has made my day, I am still thrilled to have met you all and has made me realise that I am moving in the correct direction of my career and that furthering my studies will assist my professional development in Aviation. I am thrilled to say, I feel lucky with my persistence of emails and phone calls to gain the insights with Cuatros Vientos Airport and IATA in Madrid, Spain. It was disapointing we could not visit any organisations in Milan, but we were unaware of the holidays in Italy at the time.
The night prior to departing Madrid, I was asked if I was sad to have left Milan and Madrid? All good things come to an end and it displayed what we can achieve as a team. It demonstrated what we can accomplish in our first year. I cannot wait to continue my studies, complete my degree program and commence my career.