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Reiteration from professionals

ABBA17 were invited to join POMO and SAMPO to listen to the Haaga-Helia Start up School (Autumn 2017). The lesson was how to find business ideas, how to develop your team, ups and downs of entrepreneurship and start-up events. The guest panel discussed and debated of starting how to create a new team, how to meet them accordingly and how to minimise conflict.

A member of the panel stated;

"Trust, be honest. If you messed up, tell people".

It is not until a problem occurs you then define your team. A problem assists to develop creativity and brings people closer. People strive and need the hunger. The speed of a leader is the speed of the team. Leaders lead and demonstrate what they want, not just sit on the sideline. HAVE FUN along the journey as we only have one life!

If something occurs with the team e.g. motivation, it comes down to the leaders fault because the team may not see this. It needs to be communicated. Many major mistakes occur when building a team just because of convenience. A person might be available which makes it easy yet that particular persons strengths may lie somewhere else. Change makes people scared and we as a society need to develop the change in order to strive for greatness.

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