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Business Fair

On 3 March 2017, first year students from Haaga-Helia Porvoo Campus were to present their business ideas on separate Value Proposition Canvas and collect feedback for the proposed ideas. ABBA students were tasked to create one business plan that was aviation related. This report will explain why team ABBA 1 selected the specific business idea, how it was developed, and with the feedback received how we will implement the idea better. This report will demonstrate how the group evaluated and gave feedback to other team’s ideas. Top three and bottom three ideas will be listed as to where these plans were effective or requires further planning.

Eli and I thrilled to have presented our idea!

ABBA 1 business idea (created by Eli, Kristian, Anni and myself), was a Finnish experience in Helsinki Airport. Sauna, Avanto and light Finnish refreshments. The location for this business is inside the terminal. The purpose of this decision was 14.5 million international travelers transit through Helsinki Vantaa airport per year. In 2020 construction of the facility will be conducted to expand the airport, therefore resulting an influx of international travelers. In order to ensure the concept is beneficial, we were to understand customer pains. On average, a layover time is three hours. Space is limited and travelers cannot relax.

Many travelers would like to experience what Finland has to offer, but they do not have sufficient time. The idea of this plan was an alternate means to consume time, travelers have the ability to relax for their upcoming flight and it minimalises tedious time within the airport. The audience focus is, Asia - as over 25% of travelers are from China or Japan, layover passengers and business travelers. If we focus our idea on these three targets, word of mouth influences other traveler to experience what’s on offer at Helsinki Vantaa airport and will therefore influence travelers to explore what Finland has to offer. This outcome will benefit Finland’s economy due to creating an interest of what Finland has to offer to tourists.

The feedback which was expressed to ABBA 1’s business plan was both positive and negative. In order to further develop the idea’s two main concerns were budget and value.

Leasing and construction expenses inside the airport are of concern. In order to ensure costs are lowered for this dream, the team thoughts were networking. The companies of interest are Finnair, Visit Finland and HELEN. Finnair valued customers and One World Alliance are able to utilise the facility as part of their alliance agreement. Promotion and marketing can be achieved through Visit Finland. Helsinki Energy achieves budget constraints on electricity. Depending on which organisations value the idea, a budget will be implemented to examine the average price customers pay for this experience.

Other teams concern with the proposal was value. Was this experience in the airport required? Will customers pay for this? The feedback of this answer was difficult to assess, due to the nature of other team’s opinions of the idea was positive. They believed this will contribute for travelers to visit Finland due to the experience they gained inside the terminal. To mitigate this we will research the idea inside the airport to see if tourists would be interested in this concept.

Whilst explaining this idea to other peers, I couldn’t help notice but short answered replies. The only way we are to benefit and develop our strategy is by constructive criticism. The survey allowed individuals to tick boxes and have the ability to apply feedback. This information which was implemented, did not coincide with each other.

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