Quote of the day!
“There’s no such thing as stupid questions…. If you ask a stupid question, I will try not to laugh”
Once we finished designing out Post-it art, our lecture Kalle concluded the reasoning of the task. “I don’t know…. Just get adjusted to...
Day two of learning camp
Every day this week we begin our days with introductions. The theme of the day was image, with Antti and Kalle. We were introduced to...
Today's Reflection
After all the classes and exercises, my only conclusion is. When we lose sight of who we are and where we want to be, we lose ourselves.
How to study efficiently
Last week we were presented with a task of conducting an online questionnaire offering beneficial learning strategies. Many students such...
A day to remember!
Today, was the first day of many to come! Not knowing what to expect… An eccentric lady introduces herself as Pia. She spoke softly but...